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Examples equitable distribution, cps investigations, child custody, divorce


31 Jul
When considering physical custody of your children, there’s almost an endless number of different schedules to choose from. If you and the other parent can reach an agreement without going to trial, you can use whichever schedule works best for your situation....
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17 Mar
Efforts being made at the state and national level to prevent the spread of coronavirus through social distancing are limiting access to necessary services and assistance.  We are determined to continue to serve our clients and people in need throughout this crisis...
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28 Feb
Since so much of our identity is wrapped up in our name, changing a child’s name shouldn’t be done lightly. But there are times when you may want to do it. For instance, grandparents who’ve been given sole custody of their grandchildren...
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Do You Need an Attorney Today?

Raleigh Divorce blogBecoming informed about your rights is the first step in determining whether you need an attorney or can resolve your divorce on your own.  The aim of the BPW Raleigh divorce blog is to provide people going through a divorce with information that can assist you in your time of need.   We believe that it is not our job as attorneys to convince you that you need legal assistance.  Many times clients meet with our attorneys and we determine that the involvement of an attorney is premature.  Other times, the cost of an attorney is not a reasonable expense when compared with what is at stake.  We take pride in being honest with clients and not hiding the ball.

Our Raleigh divorce blog contains resources that you can assist you in proceeding with your divorce pro se.  You’ll find information on how to save money during your divorce.  We let you know what to expect so you can make informed decisions about how to move forward.