Estate Planning / Wills
Estate planning isn’t just about legal issues, about the wishes of the writer of a will or the intent contained in a durable trust. There are practical considerations as well. After you die, your loved ones will have to cope with the unexpected, the many things that simply aren’t covered by basic estate planning documents.
No matter what your age or economic standing, family or marital status, if you want to do your beloved survivors a favor, you can put your “house in order” with our skilled, sensitive estate planning lawyers at the Batch, Poore & Williams firm in Raleigh.
Get Started Today (919) 870-0466
Our successful law practice is where clients come first, estate planning clients included. Our experience with wills, trusts, powers of attorney and the intricacies of probate proceedings can benefit you and your family for the long-term. Contact our law offices when you’re ready to discuss these vital concerns with knowledgeable lawyers who care.
Estate Planning Questions and Concerns
Many of these will provide a kind of sneak peek into the kinds of estate planning issues that our forward-looking estate planners cover during your initial consultation with Batch & Poore. Questions and concerns such as:
- Who should be notified about your death and funeral?
- Do you want a funeral or a memorial ceremony? If so, what type?
- Do you want people to send flowers or would you prefer donations to charity?
- Did you prepare a will or living trust? Where are the originals?
- Do you own a life insurance policy, pension, retirement account or annuity? Where are the documents stored?
- Do you have bank accounts? Do you have a safe deposit box? Where are the records?
- Do you own stocks, bonds or money in mutual funds? Where are the records?
- Do you own real estate? Where are the deeds?
Most of us carry this information around in our heads, assume that we’re maintaining a steady mental grasp on it, and never discuss it with our family members in the thoughtful manner it deserves. These attitudes require our loved ones to have to do their best to sort it all out later, at a time of intense grief and introspection.
Organization Is Key
Costly, painful, avoidable financial losses can result from a failure to organize your affairs. Stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real estate and insurance policy benefits may go unclaimed and be turned over to the state government. Every year, millions of dollars go into state treasuries because the rightful property owners couldn’t be found.
On a more personal level, relatives or friends may not be promptly informed of a death, and valuable pieces of family history may not be passed down to future generations. Be diligent about organizing these possessions and vital information in a way that will make it easier for your family to handle your affairs after your death. These heartfelt efforts can be your parting gift to them. Dealing with your loss will be difficult enough.
We offer this advice because we care. Lawyers can function as human beings, too. At Batch & Poore, our clients come first.
Speak With Batch, Poore & Williams
Schedule your initial estate planning consultation with our Raleigh law firm by contacting us via phone, fax or e-mail. We offer weeknight appointments and return after-hours calls promptly. We look forward to meeting you and finding out how we can help provide for your family’s prosperous future.